Recovery House Scholarship Program

Recovery House Scholarship Program

Please Note: The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) has initiated a licensure program for recovery houses that receive funding or referrals from public sources. As funding for CABHC’s Recovery House Scholarship Program stems from Medicaid dollars, licensure is a requirement of any participating recovery house. Please see the DDAP website for more information on Recovery House Licensing.

Recovery from substance abuse can be extraordinarily difficult, requiring dedication and persistence to make changes in every aspect of one’s life. Making these changes can be particularly difficult for those stepping down from inpatient rehabilitation or halfway house services. All too often, these individuals find themselves returning to homes and neighborhoods overflowing with old triggers and memories of substance abuse. Although a network of licensed recovery houses exists to provide living environments that reinforce recovery for these individuals, many who are just stepping down from rehabilitation cannot afford initial costs to move into these homes.

CABHC’s Recovery House Scholarship Program provides scholarships to individuals from Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, and Perry Counties who require financial assistance to enter a recovery house as part of their journey of recovery from substance abuse. CABHC can provide scholarships to persons who qualify for this program to move into a participating licensed recovery house. The scholarship covers the cost of the recovery house’s documented rent for the first thirty (30) days of residency and up to $300 toward rent for the second thirty (30) days of residency.

In addition to DDAP licensure, recovery houses interested in serving those individuals receiving scholarships through this program must submit a written application and agree to a site review conducted by CABHC staff. A directory of participating Recovery Houses is updated on a regular basis for all PerformCare Network Providers that render hospital and non-hospital Rehab and Halfway House services.